My job as a science communicator at the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, was quite demanding in January. I had to create and implement a design for a report in a short time for the scientific advisory board that will visit the Institute in March. This didn’t leave me with many resources to work on my own business. But here are my tiny steps I have still made.
Author: Shau Chung Shin
I am a designer, businesswoman and founder of HAHAHA Global and Gesund in MeinerStadt. I develop solutions and products that encourage an open and positive approach to taboos. In doing so, I contribute to a healthier and more peaceful world.
12 of 12: A day in January 2023
It’s the 12th of January. It’s time for “12 of 12” – documenting the 12th of a month with 12 photos. I haven’t done it since August last year. I didn’t have the energy. Today I challenge myself to do it again 😆. It’s a normal busy workday though. Nothing special. Or is it?
How to use red and green safely together
In this article, I give you some suggestions on how to use red and green in a “safe” way.
3 rules to work with me
#1 My design should help you to build a better world
I confess: I am full of intolerances and prejudices
I sensitise others to be open and without prejudice, but I am full of intolerance and prejudices myself.
12 of 12: A day in August
12 limiting beliefs that I have gotten rid of
My beliefs were shaped by the people that surrounded me and the experiences I had in my early life. Some were very helpful and some proved less helpful for my later life. Although it takes some time and practice, I am glad I managed to change the following.
12 of 12: A day in July
Today is the 12th of July! It’s time again to join the blogger tradition and document a random day with 12 photos. It’s Tuesday and I work from home today.
Is using plain language unprofessional?
When working with stakeholders who are experts in their field, I sometimes experience some anxiety when I use plain language to describe their work: Will this sound less professional? Does plain language describe the complexity and hard work behind it?
12 of 12: A day in June 2022
Today, on the 12th of June, I document the day with 12 photos. I sit in the train on my way back to Germany, where I indulge in happy and divers memories of the last 5 energising days, represented by the colourful artisanal pralines I bought in Bruges for my husband.
12 of 12: A day in May 2022
It’s the 12th of May. I join the bloggers’ tradition and document the day with 12 photos. Half of the year has almost passed. Will I look back to this year with a feeling of joy, gratitude and accomplishment?
How a citizens’ initiative creates a city for all
If you could create a city you would love to live in – how would it look like? Hans Fechtel and his companions had a vision for their city.
April 2022 review: Big emotions
April has been a month of big (and small) emotions. On the photo, it’s Judith, leader of the Content Society, who got emotional when we gave her flowers as a gift for the wonderful community she has created. The photo represents the emotional rollercoaster I had been through during this month.