Today, on the 12th of June, I document the day with 12 photos. I sit in the train on my way back to Germany, where I indulge in happy and divers memories of the last 5 energising days, represented by the colourful artisanal pralines I bought in Bruges for my husband.
Category: Review
12 of 12: A day in May 2022
It’s the 12th of May. I join the bloggers’ tradition and document the day with 12 photos. Half of the year has almost passed. Will I look back to this year with a feeling of joy, gratitude and accomplishment?
April 2022 review: Big emotions
April has been a month of big (and small) emotions. On the photo, it’s Judith, leader of the Content Society, who got emotional when we gave her flowers as a gift for the wonderful community she has created. The photo represents the emotional rollercoaster I had been through during this month.
12 of 12: A day in April 2022
Today I work from home. My son is on a trip with his after-school care group until Thursday, so I don’t need to pick him up in the afternoon. After working and staying up late yesterday, I want to stop working early today, so I can exercise outdoors 😀. The photo above shows what I… Continue reading 12 of 12: A day in April 2022
March 2022 review: More clarity
The first quarter of the year has past. Time to recap how it went and which goals were achieved.
12 of 12: A day in March 2022
Today is the 12th of March, and I have joined the blogging tradition again and documented the 12 of the month with 12 photos. How was your day ☺️?
February 2022 review: Mixed feelings
February was a month of contradicting feelings. It lacked clarity. At least writing about it gives a sense of clarity 😄. So, let’s go: These were the things I was looking forward in February: Do more of the things I love Gain more clarity through writing the business plan Maybe: participate at the wedding dinner… Continue reading February 2022 review: Mixed feelings
12 of 12: A day in February 2022
Time flies. Today, I again join the blog tradition and document the 12th of the month with 12 photos. It’s a normal Saturday of my current life. A lot of work lies ahead of me. In order to motivate myself, I have made appointments with nice people during the whole day. How did you spend… Continue reading 12 of 12: A day in February 2022
January 2022 review: Decisions
This first month of the year has been a month of decisions. It has started with a one-week ski holiday with my husband, son and in-laws. I went skiing for the first time in 25 years – it was the 4th time I went skiing in my life. I am glad it didn’t end with… Continue reading January 2022 review: Decisions
12 of 12: A day in January 2022
12 of 12 is a (German 🤔?) blog tradition where you document the 12th of a month with 12 photos.
Jahresrückblick 2021: Viele Wünsche erfüllt
2021 war das Jahr der Wünscheerfüllung. Ich wollte zum Beispiel schon immer mehr Selbstvertrauen haben. Solange ich denken kann, habe ich mit Selbstzweifeln zu kämpfen gehabt. Es ist jetzt nicht so, dass sie völlig verschwunden sind, aber ich habe ein gutes Gegengewicht von Selbstsicherheit aufgebaut. Welche Wünsche dieses Jahr noch in Erfüllung gegangen sind, liest… Continue reading Jahresrückblick 2021: Viele Wünsche erfüllt
12 von 12: Ein Tag im November 2021
Ein Tag im November. In 12 Bildern. Es ist eine alte Blogger-Tradition, jeweils am 12. jedes Monats den Tag in 12 Bildern zu dokumentieren. Seit August habe ich es nicht mehr geschafft. Zu beschäftigt war ich und auch die technischen Mittel waren nicht vorhanden. Jetzt, mit meinem neuen Handy, ist es wieder einfacher. Dieser Tag… Continue reading 12 von 12: Ein Tag im November 2021
Das war mein Oktober 2021: Voll und schnell
Der Oktober war golden! Es gab viel Sonnenschein und das Herbstlaub leuchtete wunderbar. Trotz der arbeitsgefüllten Zeit, die auch schön war, nahm ich die besonderen und schönen Seiten dieser Jahreszeit wahr. #1 Non-Stop-Kommunikation – die Einführungswochen der International Max Planck Research School of Cellular Biophysics Die Einführungswochen fanden in den ersten drei Oktoberwochen statt und… Continue reading Das war mein Oktober 2021: Voll und schnell