12 of 12: A day in April 2022

Today I work from home. My son is on a trip with his after-school care group until Thursday, so I don’t need to pick him up in the afternoon. After working and staying up late yesterday, I want to stop working early today, so I can exercise outdoors 😀. The photo above shows what I will have for dinner: 生煎包 (pan-fried pork buns).

1/12: My light alarm clock starts its sunrise program at 7 am. I manage to get up a quarter to 8, despite going to sleep around 2 am. Apart from an artificial sunrise, the alarm clock offers various accompanying sound options, from birds and sea sounds to meditative music and radio. I chose to wake up with the sound of the latest news.
2/12: It will be a sunny and warm day, with temperatures going up to 23 degree Celsius. I love to listen to the birds singing in the early morning and I open the window to let the cold fresh air in. Thank god we have peace.
3/12: Happy that I managed to prepare some fruit before I sit down on my Chinese fart pillow and start the work day. I promise myself to make regular breaks (a promise I never keep 😅).
4/12: I work for the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics. We are running a campaign for our International Max Planck Research School since March. We post almost every day on Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. I am in charge of the visual strategy and branding of the campaign.
5/12: This week, my colleague Melek will finalise the first videos of the faculty members, and I am working on the social media visuals that we will use to promote the videos.
6/12: Since the first video is still in work and can’t be published today, we check, if we can finalise another post instead, like the post for the key feature “Outstanding supervision concept” that offers a group of mentors for each PhD student instead of just one.
7/12: Our YouTube channel needs a thumbnail system. Let’s do some research on how others do it. The Arte channel manages to brand and present their videos in a clear and catchy way by using only very little text 😮.
8/12: I do some tests with a variety of image and text combinations. Since I am not the right audience, I will send them to my colleague Katharina and ask her, which information is relevant and would attract the audience we target.
9/12: After working 8 hours non-stop, I finally take a break, warm up my leftovers in the microwave, and step out onto the balcony. I let my eyes rest on the lush green backyard. I love the view ❤️. For my eyes regular breaks would be much better. But why can’t I manage to do it?
10/12: Then I decide it’s the right time to take out the hammock 😀.
11/12: I need to return a DVD to the central library. Taking this as an excuse for an evening walk, I message a couple of friends. My friend Marlene has time to join me for a walk to the city centre. I share with her, that today one of the doctors already offered to have a phone call with me about my product concept 💪. I have finally overcome my fears and sent it out to my clinic contacts two days ago.
12/12: On the way, I have some yummy 生煎包 at a place I have just discovered recently (see photo on the top). Then we continue our walk to one of my favourite neighbourhoods, the Bahnhofsviertel (railway station district), where I finally get my well-deserved mango lassi 🤤. Sometimes, I think of moving out of the city. But then I would miss the food dearly.
Categorised as Review

By Shau Chung Shin

I am a designer, businesswoman and founder of HAHAHA Global and Gesund in MeinerStadt. I develop solutions and products that encourage an open and positive approach to taboos. In doing so, I contribute to a healthier and more peaceful world.


  1. Hi Shau Chung, nice to read and see your day on the 12th of April. Don’t worry, maybe another day you can rest your eyes more 🙂
    Happy blogging!

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