Today, on the 12th of June, I document the day with 12 photos. I sit in the train on my way back to Germany, where I indulge in happy and divers memories of the last 5 energising days, represented by the colourful artisanal pralines I bought in Bruges for my husband.
12 of 12: A day in May 2022
It’s the 12th of May. I join the bloggers’ tradition and document the day with 12 photos. Half of the year has almost passed. Will I look back to this year with a feeling of joy, gratitude and accomplishment?
How a citizens’ initiative creates a city for all
If you could create a city you would love to live in – how would it look like? Hans Fechtel and his companions had a vision for their city.
April 2022 review: Big emotions
April has been a month of big (and small) emotions. On the photo, it’s Judith, leader of the Content Society, who got emotional when we gave her flowers as a gift for the wonderful community she has created. The photo represents the emotional rollercoaster I had been through during this month.
12 of 12: A day in April 2022
Today I work from home. My son is on a trip with his after-school care group until Thursday, so I don’t need to pick him up in the afternoon. After working and staying up late yesterday, I want to stop working early today, so I can exercise outdoors 😀. The photo above shows what I… Continue reading 12 of 12: A day in April 2022
March 2022 review: More clarity
The first quarter of the year has past. Time to recap how it went and which goals were achieved.
12 of 12: A day in March 2022
Today is the 12th of March, and I have joined the blogging tradition again and documented the 12 of the month with 12 photos. How was your day ☺️?
February 2022 review: Mixed feelings
February was a month of contradicting feelings. It lacked clarity. At least writing about it gives a sense of clarity 😄. So, let’s go: These were the things I was looking forward in February: Do more of the things I love Gain more clarity through writing the business plan Maybe: participate at the wedding dinner… Continue reading February 2022 review: Mixed feelings
12 of 12: A day in February 2022
Time flies. Today, I again join the blog tradition and document the 12th of the month with 12 photos. It’s a normal Saturday of my current life. A lot of work lies ahead of me. In order to motivate myself, I have made appointments with nice people during the whole day. How did you spend… Continue reading 12 of 12: A day in February 2022
January 2022 review: Decisions
This first month of the year has been a month of decisions. It has started with a one-week ski holiday with my husband, son and in-laws. I went skiing for the first time in 25 years – it was the 4th time I went skiing in my life. I am glad it didn’t end with… Continue reading January 2022 review: Decisions
What’s new in my business in 2022
There are things I feel that need to be done differently this year. Things that are due. And things that I look forward to do in 2022.
My theme for 2022: Yes, let’s do it!
For many years I have been fighting self doubts combined with a lack of drive. Goals were unattainable dreams, only achieved by everyone else but me. I am not lazy, though. I have worked hard for many years. However, not necessarily smart. Only last year, to my surprise, many of my dreams came true. I… Continue reading My theme for 2022: Yes, let’s do it!
12 of 12: A day in January 2022
12 of 12 is a (German 🤔?) blog tradition where you document the 12th of a month with 12 photos.