12 of 12: A day in February 2022

Time flies. Today, I again join the blog tradition and document the 12th of the month with 12 photos. It’s a normal Saturday of my current life. A lot of work lies ahead of me. In order to motivate myself, I have made appointments with nice people during the whole day.

1/12: Today, I woke up at 6:40 a.m. I don’t feel like sleeping again, although I still have time. Hence, I decide to do the laundry and defrost the refrigerator compartment.
2/12: The sun comes out. It will be a sunny day ☺️. I have to hurry up: breakfast and planning have to happen before the first meeting at 9:00.
3/12: The first meeting is with my blog buddy Claudia and my friend Idora. Claudia organises artisan markets and is designing a course for artists who want to learn how to market themselves better. Idora is an organising coach, who is happy to share her expertise in how to arrange a stand that sells. I love to bring people together!

After this, I quickly switch to the second meeting with Michaela, a former nurse at the intensive care unit. I listen to heartbreaking and well known stories of the bad working conditions of nurses. And I am glad that it seems that my product idea would give some support.
4/12: After the second meeting, I get ready and hurry to my next appointment. I walk to the city centre to meet my friend at the market hall. I have to cross the Main river.
5/12: I walk past the “Römerberg”, the square where the Frankfurt City Hall is located.
6/12: I enter the market hall and I immediately relax being surrounded by so much yummy food! You can find a great variety of food from all over the world. This stand sells a local specialty: Handkäs, a cheese served with a vinegar and oil sauce, onions and caraway.
7/12: I meet Jenny upstairs, and we have lunch at one of my favourite Italian restaurants.
8/12: After this, I go to the public library next door to work on my business plan. Before I find myself a quiet place to sit, I scan through the book shelves and notice this comic-style dumpling cooking book.
9/12: I finally sit down and start the financial planning of the business idea.
10/12: The library closes at 5 p.m. I go to the optician, to the Asian supermarket, and buy milk at a grocery chain. I am surprised that the the price of the milk I usually buy has risen 14%. When I finally come home, it’s almost dark.
11/12: I quickly put my groceries in the fridge and walk to my next appointment.
12/12: I meet with my colleagues Jan and Scott, two PhD students, at a yummy Xingjiang restaurant nearby. They come from Hong Kong and Taiwan, so I practice speaking Mandarin the whole evening 😅

How did you spend your day 😊?

Categorised as Review

By Shau Chung Shin

I am a designer, businesswoman and founder of HAHAHA Global and Gesund in MeinerStadt. I develop solutions and products that encourage an open and positive approach to taboos. In doing so, I contribute to a healthier and more peaceful world.


  1. Hi Shau Chung Shin, ich habe gerade gesehen, dass du in Frankfurt wohnst. Da wollte ich sofort dein 12 von 12 anschauen. Und ja, du bist über den Eisernen Steg gelaufen und über den Römerberg. Ich komme ursprünglich aus dem Frankfurter Raum und bin jetzt südlicher gelandet.

    Ich schau nächsten Monat wieder vorbei.

    Liebe Grüße


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