Turning 50 is a milestone worth celebrating! I’m grateful to be alive and healthy today, though it hasn’t always been this way. For many years, I struggled to find joy in life, and simply being here didn’t feel like a gift. That’s why this milestone means so much to me—it’s truly something to celebrate!
To honor this moment, I took unpaid leave to focus on enjoying life and prioritizing my well-being. Curious how this special year unfolded? Keep reading to find out.
My Topics and Highlights from 2024
Putting my heart into my work as a science communicator
One of the major projects in 2024 as a science communicator for the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics was the participation in the first Science Festival Frankfurt. My colleagues and I from the communications team created a course that aimed to simulate the analysis of a protein, the main work of our researchers.

The best way to break down barriers is through direct, personal interaction. To encourage exchange between visitors and scientists, I created speech bubble stickers for our booth. These stickers introduced the scientists by name, their research area, and the languages they speak.
Many scientists volunteering at our booth didn’t speak German but were fluent in English or other languages. Reflecting on how children from immigrant backgrounds, like myself, were often undervalued for speaking different languages or bringing unique foods to school, I wanted to reframe these differences as strengths that could foster deeper connections.
Frankfurt is an international city, and so were the Festival’s visitors. Both scientists and citizens who don’t speak German or appear to have roots in other countries regularly face racism or discrimination here. The stickers aimed to identify the scientists as researchers in a lighthearted way (not as assistants) and to invite conversations by highlighting their linguistic diversity.
One scientist shared how many visitors asked her about her mitochondria research, while others connected with researchers in Hindi or Spanish. Seeing these interactions unfold was incredibly rewarding!
I really loved to see people from different countries visiting us at our booth.
We have created many new communication media, such as:
- a poster featuring the cell and enriched with augmented reality content
- protein stickers
- explanatory posters
- lay-friendly articles.
The 3D visualizations and illustrations were made by our new design intern Louise Düver, which required a lot of diligent and hard design work. Her poster with a stunning 3D cell was admired by both scientists and the lay public. Great work was also done by augmented reality (AR) designer and programmer Maiken Laackman and Tobias Still, who implemented the AR content of the poster.
In the middle of the year, Katharina Käfer, my closest colleague who initiated and advanced many great outreach and press projects, left the team. I was happy to see Pamela Ornelas take over, who also loves to make science communication fun, and the return of Melek Özdemir, who spent many months helping out in the Institute’s guesthouse and has finally rejoined the team with her great talent for creating funny short films that make our Instagram followers skyrocket to x%.
I was also happy to welcome our newest colleague, Niklas Pröscher, who enthusiastically joined our team as a biophysics bachelor student, and who has taken over the tedious work of posting on social media and helping us to create more lay-friendly articles.

Great work is only possible with great people. These are my colleagues above, competent, helpful and fun to work with, my bosses Corinna Jung and Martin Beck during 2024, who gave me freedom and trust. Thank you very much!
Making mental health more accessible through design
I dedicated part of my free time to my social business Gesund in MeinerStadt. After losing my team in 2021 and starting to work full-time as a communicator at the Institute, I decided to bootstrap the business and slowly progressed with the help of business coach Stefania Laventure, designing a series of brochures that helped to educate first-timers about different mental illnesses. The first was psychosis.
However, after joining FIPPS as a member of the scientific board at the end of last year, I shifted my energy to improving this platform, which—like my original platform concept Gesund in MeinerStadt—educates about psychosis and schizophrenia, de-stigmatizes and connects affected individuals and their caregivers with available support in the region. It was implemented by Robert Bittner and Mishal Qubad, two leading psychiatrists at the University Hospital in Frankfurt.
With Robert Bittner, I have been trying to get the project started for many years. He was finally able to make it happen. I now helped promote the project and contributed my expertise as a designer and affected family member to make the platform more accessible.

Training to be a good communicator
In 2024, I focused on becoming a good communicator. After observing many successful people, I have been working on my communication skills for many years.
Because I lacked public speaking opportunities in my daily life, I created my own, such as the monthly design sessions at my employer, the Max Planck Institute for Biophysics. I also didn’t hesitate long to take on workshop and public speaking assignments.
In January, together with the great Katja Riedel, I moderated the team retreat of the JCI Frankfurt Alumni Association. Tensions were everywhere and we tried to anticipate possible escalations. After long discussions and many complaints, we were finally able to get everyone on the same page and committed to improvements and activities that would set the stage for a great year!

Another great public speaking opportunity was the launch of the FIPPS platform end of May, at World Schizophrenia Awareness Day. I received a lot of praise and good feedback for my talk on how good communication design can help to bridge the life threatening information gap.

In September, I organized a user research event together with Christiane Schlang, Head of the Mental Health Department at the Frankfurt Public Health Department, as part of Frankfurt’s annual Mental Health Week.
We used thematic tables to get feedback and conduct user testing on aspects such as whether content was still missing, ease of navigation, understandability of content, and whether language and imagery helped to combat stigma. The event was also helpful in involving potential users.

The result didn’t surprised us: the FIPPS website still needs a lot of improvement regarding the length and readability of the texts and the navigation/orientation. Many thanks to Marc Lagaza, Karim, Jochen Dworeck, Robert Bittner, Ida Ehret, Veronika Holter and Danielle Topf for their support and help!
In November, I presented FIPPS at the annual networking event of the Chaja Foundation, one of the funders. What was initially planned as a traditional presentation with a projector was changed by the organiser to an analogue format – no screens allowed! So, I had to improvise. Here’s what I did:
- I used printed screenshots and an engaging poster to explain the concept.
- I added some emotional quotes from potential users on the floor to highlight the need for the website.
- I used a survey to encourage the audience to reflect on the topic.

In December, I held a half-day poster design workshop for the new cohort of our International May Planck Research School on Cellular Biophysics. After receiving feedback from my last workshop that my design basics part was too long, I skipped it this time and gave out a handout with the most important design basics instead.

I co-moderated the monthly open meetings of the Frankfurt Support Group for Family Members of Individuals Living with Mental Illness at least twice, where we empower family members by providing a safe space, peer counseling, and access to support services.
By the end of the year, I was using fewer opportunities to practice my communication skills, I was feeling tired and exhausted, so I felt that there’s still so much to improve. Good goal for next year!
Lots of great first times!
After a mostly monotonous learning experience at school, I discovered a few years ago that I actually love learning. Learning new things inspires me and gives me new energy!
In 2024, one of my goals was to improve my sailing skills. So I booked sailing lessons and did a lot of things for the first time. One of them was sailing alone in a dinghy in relatively strong winds. My instructor Sandra Denda put me alone in a Laser Pico on the first day and I often lost control of the boat while tacking and jibing through wind and waves.

When I capsized, it was only with the help of Sandra, who came with her motorboat, that I was able to get the boat up again. The goal of the 4-day training was to get rid of the fear of sailing in strong winds, which was certainly achieved.
I booked another training at Bad Zwischenahn, where I sailed with a gennaker and a harness for the first time. It was such a great feeling gain control over a boat using these features to increase the speed of sailing!

For the first time, I took part in a club regatta of the Frankfurt Yacht Club as a helmswoman, together with a great fellow sailor, Roland. The previous trainings gave me the confidence to do this.

Another big first was my visit to the annual Ecsite Conference for science engagement professionals in Ljubljana in June. I expected a lot of nice but superficial encounters during the 5-day event. Instead, I had a lot of nice encounters that quickly developed a depth that surprised me!

It was so nice to connect on a deeper level so quickly. I loved that the sessions included a lot of discussions about diversity and inclusion, and everyone was so helpful! I feel like I have finally found my community!
For the first time, using AI tools became a routine, such as using an AI tool to create automatic subtitles in different languages, and routinely using ChatGPT to help me write captions and entire articles.
For the first time, I participated in Judith Peter’s reels challenge, which helped me get familiar with creating fast videos and reduced my fear of being visible in videos.
Better personal connections
In 2024, I continued to work on my relationships. One was the relationship with myself. I had learned over the past few years that in order to achieve my goals, I had to take good care of myself. That meant being my best friend, encouraging me, comforting me, and doing things I enjoy.
Other relationships were with people around me and new friends. One of the instructors happened to be the girlfriend of an old friend of mine, so I felt especially lucky. Her cheerful personality always brightens my day. In the course, I also quickly made friends with Ji-Hae, a fearless Korean woman who soon joined my water sports club and whom I hang out with a lot now.
Geoff, an affable American expat, was another new friend. He became a person you could go out to dinner with and listen to nice jazz concerts with(you can see him playing the trumpet in the photo below). He came to my watersports club through the new MeetUp group I have created to recruit new members.

I also wanted to improve my relationship with my son by spending more time with him, talking to him more, and nagging him less. By the end of the year, I feel like I accomplished at least the latter (which is probably the most important). We DID take nice walks and watched movies at home on the laptop while munching on homemade popcorn. One of the best compliments I received from my son this year was: “Your popcorn tastes like at the movies!”
Unfortunately, schoolwork takes up a lot of time, and being a full-time employee with many interests has made it hard for us to spend time together doing things we both enjoy.
Other Memorable Moments from 2024
Microracism & overt racism
I started the year in bed with a cold that I felt came from racist thoughts in a ski lift. I know it sounds esoteric but I could feel the aggression towards me when my son and I jumped in the lift. The man sitting next to me didn’t give me any space and the atmosphere was icy. I started coughing in the lift and when I got back to our hostel I had to lie down and was sick for the rest of the 3 days.

After news of the far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party’s “remigration” plans were published by CORRECTIV—a German nonprofit investigative journalism newsroom—, I participated in one of my rare demonstrations against this development.

In April, I booked a hiking trip with my child. We stayed in a youth hostel in an old castle. Because of the thick walls, there was no internet, which was devastating for my son. Otherwise, we had some nice walks in the beautiful rainy old town of Monschau and the moorland on the Belgian border.

In June, more than 50 guests came to celebrate my 50th birthday. I invited old and new friends and companions from different phases and parts of my life, such as childhood, family, school, college, different jobs and projects, clubs and volunteer work. I loved seeing them make themselves at home and mingle.
Instead of gifts, I asked my guests to contribute to the buffet or to a charity of their choice. Some gave me money, which I donated to the Malala Fund.

Later in June I participated in the Frankfurt City Regatta with Johannes. The wind was strong. But after the training with Sandra, I felt confident and enjoyed hiking out. Unlike last year, we made it only to 4th place.

My 2024 Recap
What Am I Proud Of in 2024?
I’m proud to say that I’ve accomplished a lot of the things I planned to do. Like not skipping meals, taking a walk in the woods every week, limiting my phone time to 4 hours a day, and saving 46 % of my income and investing it in ETFs.

I’m proud to have started exercising again after 30 years. I joined the FTG sports club which offered low-cost but high-quality sports courses. In the beginning, I was so exhausted after each workout that I stayed in bed all day. I also experienced pain that made me decide to be the grandma in the back of the room who didn’t care about keeping up with the instructor. I’m proud that I kept my own pace and glad that neither the instructors nor the other participants complained or looked at me with disapproval.
Another thing I’m proud of is that when I didn’t feel the trust and warmth of a team connection, it was very hard for me to continue with my volunteer work and my day job. Those times took a lot of energy from me.
I kept telling myself that it would work out eventually, that building trust and team connection takes time. And if it wasn’t working after a certain amount of time, I could always decide to quit. In the end, it all worked out and I am proud of myself for sticking it out until things got better.
I am also proud that I managed to stick to my ideas despite doubts. In 2024, I had the idea of collecting quotes from people with schizophrenia, their families and medical and psychosocial caregivers, and presented the printouts at the FIPPS platform launch event.
It took courage and perseverance on my part to stick with the idea, after getting no response at first, and then finally getting enthusiastic responses from Uta Rosseck and Hannah Re, fellow members of the FIPPS Scientific Advisory Board, who put all their heart and energy into implementing the idea.

The Best Decision I Made in 2024
A key decision I made at the beginning of the year was to begin regular exercise. I accepted that I had entered a new era of my health that would require care and exercise to stay healthy.
There have also been little things that have made my life a lot better, like deciding to take sailing lessons, which has allowed me to enjoy sailing even more.
The decision to use the Mentimeter’s interactive presentation and survey tool for my workshops has helped my workshop participants feel more involved and helped me get better data and feedback.
A decision I made two years ago was to celebrate my 50th birthday with old and new friends. Even though I didn’t have the time to enjoy many guests and my own party, I was glad that I did. It was nice to see many of my life’s companions in one place and it was a great feeling that many of them took the time to join my party.
What Did I Learn About Myself in 2024?
- I remembered that with perseverance, kindness, and commitment, I could achieve my goals.
- I learned to listen to my new body, which was that of a middle-aged woman. It needed a slower pace and more time to recharge.
- I learned that sleep deprivation made me a person I wanted to escape from. A pitfall I needed to avoid in 2025.
- I remembered that visualization was one of my superpowers that I needed to use more.

Firsts: What Did I Experience for the First Time in 2024?
As part of the JCI German Senate Conference in Berlin, I visited Bellevue Palace, the official residence of the Federal President of Germany and the Federal Chancellery. We had great guides who patiently answered my questions and gave us an entertaining tour while sharing protocol “insights”. Thank you to the conference hosts!

I baked my own bread and visited the Frankfurt TV Tower.

I slept in a former prison and used a urinal for the first time.

My friend Younes Shaimi gave me the first glider flight of my life for my birthday. The glider was pulled up by an airplane with a motor.

What Important Lessons Did 2024 Teach Me?
An inflamed wrist and tendonitis reminded me to be careful with exercise. A bad mood and low spirits for weeks taught me to make sure I get at least 8 hours of sleep a day.
If I trust myself and dare to implement my ideas—the results can be wonderful!

What Am I Especially Grateful For in 2024?
- I had a lot of wonderful moments in 2024
- I am healthy
- My family members are more or less healthy
- I enjoy peace and freedom
- I have a great job and wonderful colleagues
- I earn enough money
What Were My Biggest Challenges in 2024?
My biggest challenge has been to stay calm and positive in situations where there is a lack of trust in the relationships and in the process.
When I started contributing to the FIPPS project, it was hard to accept that “my project” was being implemented by someone else who hadn’t asked me to join the team. But I kept telling myself that FIPPS is great for the users. Something implemented is better than something not implemented. And I could do good by helping to make it a good product. The platform is a huge project. It can only be a good project with the help of many.
I also felt a lack of the sense of community that motivates me. Since FIPPS is a side project for most of the team and other scientific board members, there was no time for team building activities. Luckily, after organizing the user research event with Christiane Schlang, I felt like I had found a new buddy.
What Went Really Well in 2024?
- I walked in the woods almost once a week

- I made a new friend, Ji-Hae
- I started exercising
- I hardly missed a meal
- I invested almost half of my income in ETFs, and the prices were good.
- I organized nice events
- I got a lot of praise for my talk at the FIPPS launch event.
- I helped recruit several new members for the aquatics club.
- Reduced my phone time to almost 4 hours
- I organized a rowing training for my water sports club with my friend Manuel and everyone was very happy
What Am I Leaving Behind in 2024?
- The hope that less than 8 hours of sleep are enough for me.
- The idea of staying healthy without my active care.
- My belief that German news channels are independent of the government.
My 2024 in Numbers
- > 23 walks in the woods
- 4 design sessions
- 22 reels published
- 659 website visitors in 2024
- 8 published blog posts
- Domain authority score: 8
- Train rides
- 6 Flights
- Car rides
- 80 % of toilet paper saved

Looking Ahead to 2025
What Will I Do Differently (or Better) in 2025?
- I will get more sleep and reduce my phone screen time.
- I will talk to my child more often.
- I will offer my design sessions throughout the year.
- Have lunch with as many colleagues as possible.
- I will reflect with my brother on a regular basis.
Adventures I’ll Embark on in 2025
- For the first time in 10 years, I will take my child to visit my mom and father’s family in Taiwan and Hong Kong.
- I will improve my skills in augmented reality.
- I will visit the Ecsite Conference in Warsaw.
Big Projects I’ll Tackle in 2025
In 2025, one of my major project is to contribute to a smooth evaluation of my employer by the scientific advisory board. It will take much of my attention and energy. This includes the design of the research report as well as advice and assistance with the presentations and posters.
How You Can Work With Me in 2025
Contact me if you want to improve the poster design skills of your team!
My 7 Goals for 2025
A strong and healthy body
I will exercise at least once a week, not skip meals, get 8 hours of sleep 5 times a week, and reduce my phone screen time to 3 hours a day. I will increase my time outside to 30 minutes per day on weekdays.

As I participated in Coach Danielle Berg’s Merry BriX-Mas Lego® Serious Play® Advent Calendar in December 2024, I built my 2025 goal: a strong and healthy body!
Focus on workshops
Running design workshops is a lot of fun and I want to do more of them! I want to run at least 4 on-site workshops in 2025.
Add more humor to my communication
Humor is one of the most powerful ways to build bridges. In 2025, I want to practice humor regularly on a daily basis.
Sleep tight
A good sleep feels sooo good! 😊 It’s so simple and often so hard to achieve. 😅 There are many things I still want to do before I turn off the light!